Future Leaders News
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$2 million awarded to postgraduate students solving critical national challenges
Westpac Scholar Explores Gender and Resilience in Northern Kenya's Pastoralist Communities
Tapping the alumni: Roshini Balasooriya’s tips for aspiring Westpac Future Leaders Scholars
From applicant to Future Leader - my advice for the application journey
Empowering Indigenous youth with education
Westpac Future Leaders Scholar shares application tips and program insights
Is Imposter Syndrome stalling your application? Here are three ways to deal with it
Leadership development key to Westpac postgraduate scholarship
The Leadership Development Residential: a lifechanging experience
From bricklayer to Future Leader
Three reasons to apply for a Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship
Three things that might surprise you about being a Westpac Future Leader
Six common myths about the Westpac Scholars Program
Westpac Scholars top 10 application tips
Nothing to lose, everything to gain
A tale of two cities and my reflections on leadership