Feature articles

How a Westpac Social Change Fellowship expanded my impact

Nicholas Marchesi OAM is the Co-Founder of Orange Sky and a 2023 Westpac Social Change Fellow. He’s on a mission to lead and deliver a portfolio of ventures that will change the world. 


Trading self-doubt for self-reflection

Social entrepreneur Mandy Lau admits that applying for a Westpac Social Change Fellowship was daunting, but says the process ultimately helped her gain greater clarity around the mission of her enterprise, Reach & Match.


Gaining a global perspective

2022 Westpac Social Change Fellow Joe Kwon has returned from a month of travel with renewed vigour for influencing the reform of the Australian prison system. In his mission to help reduce recidivism in Australia, Joe recently visited prisons in Norway and the USA, and met with justice reform academics and fitness-related organisations for at-risk youth in England.