Feature articles

Introducing 10 changemakers driving positive change in Australia

Tackling a range of challenging social issues, Westpac Social Change Fellows are at the forefront of driving positive change to create a more inclusive and equitable future for Australia. 


Gaining a global perspective

2022 Westpac Social Change Fellow Joe Kwon has returned from a month of travel with renewed vigour for influencing the reform of the Australian prison system. In his mission to help reduce recidivism in Australia, Joe recently visited prisons in Norway and the USA, and met with justice reform academics and fitness-related organisations for at-risk youth in England. 

W100 collaboration supports social change

Westpac Scholars Sarah Gun and Dr Tiffany De Sousa Machado are working together to provide the Inclusive Work Program for women and non-binary people who face complex barriers to employment. The 9-week program was created by the GOGO Foundation, a charity Sarah was encouraged to set up during her Social Change Fellowship.