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About me
I’m a Bachelor of Design student keenly interested in exploring areas including cross-cultural communications and digital design whilst drawing inspiration from the past. My goal is to work in a field in which I’ll be able to leverage my abilities via the creation of diverse mediums to increase the empathy and efficiency of communications between people. In my free time, I study Japanese, play video games, draw, hang out with friends, and engage in introspective reflection to ensure I’m holding true to myself. These hobbies and aspirations stem from a rather sheltered past in which I’ve only come to grasp a fraction of the global scale, culture, and individuality in recent years as I’ve reached out and communicated with people of various ethnicities, political beliefs, religions, and natures. Through these connections, I’ve gained a deep respect, awareness, and curiosity for the differences and similarities between people and their cultures.
"Being directly involved with another culture is critical in the field of design when attempting to design for or include said culture or its people. Through this exchange in Japan, the cultural and daily life insights I’ll gain will deeply alter my perspectives and thus, my ability to create systems to acutely cater to their users' needs will drastically improve. Furthermore these insights lend strength to exploring alternative stratagems of thinking, which can be leveraged to reassess past decisions as well as alter communications methodologies used between groups."
My passions
- Document creation and stylization with InDesign
- The process of learning Japanese
- Self reflective practices and mental wellness
- Language, Fonts and the use in different social situations
- Video gaming and the learned experience of global connectivity