Ayush Adhikari

Ayush Adhikari

Asian Exchange 2025
The Australian National University
Australian Capital Territory

Focus are

Thriving tech sector

About me

Growing up with a Nepali background in Australia, I have embraced both Nepali traditions and the Australian way of life in my upbringing. Currently, I’m in my fourth year at ANU, where I study aerospace engineering and computer science. I have a passion for learning and believe that progressing research for space technologies has wider, flow-on benefits to improving the quality of life for all. I have previously worked with research groups from around ANU and the University of Sydney on space-based research, and I’m a strong advocate for intercultural and international collaboration as a key to progress. I am excited to continue my studies in Japan, one of the few space-faring Asian nations and a global leader in technology. In my free time, I also enjoy playing weekend badminton, watching shows, and trying to cook up some experimental dishes in the kitchen.
"The Westpac scholarship provides me the opportunity to not only pursue my studies in Asia, but also join a network of scholars through the W100 Network. Through a cultural exchange experience in Japan, I aim to augment my engineering studies in an Asian context and develop intercultural perspectives."

My passions

  • Aerospace engineering
  • Computer science
  • Asian languages
  • Badminton
  • Rockets